There's no need to postpone getting in touch with QC Kinetix (Savannah) to get sports medicine in Savannah for sports injury treatment. We also administer noninvasive treatments for joint pains, knee pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, foot pain, arthritic pain, and many other services. A wellness clinic in Savannah, QC Kinetix (Savannah) provides outpatient alternatives that have non-invasive techniques. These therapy techniques do not require surgery, so they are suitable for people who do not want to spend a portion of their recovery following surgery. Our clinic will gladly offer you additional information and work with you to resolve any postprocedure problems you may encounter, getting you back home more quickly. As soon as you're fully recovered from your condition, we'll inform you about alternative options for returning to your previous routine and elaborate on how additional diagnostic information will confirm your existing diagnosis. Following in our footsteps, we offer less invasive therapies that are likely to be beneficial in the recent past.
1146 West Skyview Dr, Prescott 86303, Arizona, United States more...
One West Court Square, Suite 750, Decatur 30030, Georgia, United States more...
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