Sherman Bible Church is a gospel-centered, non-denominational church in Sherman, TX that focuses on teaching, worship, community, and mission. We regularly deliver sermons, answer to online prayer requests, and share scriptures on giving. You can discover a wide range of resources, including our Children's Ministry, Students' Ministry, and D-Groups through our website. When you join a Sherman Bible Church D-Group, you can meet up with like-minded individuals once a week in homes to study the Bible, remember the gospel, pray for each other and practice hospitality. We welcome you to find out more about Sherman Bible Church, so feel free to check out our past sermons today. Browse an inspirational collection of Sherman Bible sermons on our website!
1146 West Skyview Dr, Prescott 86303, Arizona, United States more...
One West Court Square, Suite 750, Decatur 30030, Georgia, United States more...
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