At Chicken Salad Chick located in North Little Rock you'll find more than just a restaurant; you'll discover a place where the tastes of home come alive with every dish served. Specializing in wholesome Southern-inspired dishes, we offer an array of enticing menu items like our renowned chicken salad mini croissant platters that have garnered the affection of locals and visitors alike. Our catering services provide an effortless solution for any event needs — from fresh broccoli salad to pasta salad and beyond — ensuring your guests enjoy mouthwatering flavors with each forkful. If you're searching for restaurants near North Little Rock AR that can deliver deliciousness directly to your gathering or meeting look no further than Chicken Salad Chick! Whether it's our savory soups or individual boxed lunches crafted for ease and efficiency we embody the spirit of Southern hospitality by serving up delectable meals designed to delight every diner who walks through our doors.
1146 West Skyview Dr, Prescott 86303, Arizona, United States more...
One West Court Square, Suite 750, Decatur 30030, Georgia, United States more...
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