Charles Rizzo Makes a Difference for Charity

39400 Woodward Ave 175 Bloomfield Hills MI 48304 USA, Bloomfield Hills 48304, Michigan United States

"Charles Rizzo Sr has earned a reputation as a well-respected member of the community for both the success of the business bearing his family name (Rizzo Environmental Services) and his commitment to making a difference. Chuck built up and later divested the business – leaving him with more time and resources to commit to helping with the causes that are closest to his heart. Variety The Children's Charity is one of the ways that Charles Rizzo Makes a Difference for Charity. Variety works diligently for children with special needs – focusing on tools for mobility and social inclusion to improve their way of life. Having a special needs child in his immediate family, Chuck understands the extraordinary needs of these children and their families. He chose to contribute to Variety because of there ongoing dedication to providing the tools that are sorely missing for many families facing the challenges that come with special needs. These are a few of the ways that Charles Rizzo Makes a Difference for Charity and other organizations, and will continue to pay it forward for the benefit of more and more individuals, families and cities"

39400 Woodward Ave 175 Bloomfield Hills MI 48304 USA Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48304 United States

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